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Mayoral Forum Archive: Whitchurch Stouffville Election 2010
Four people are in the race for mayor (from left to right): Wayne Emmerson (incumbent), Christine Vlachos, Justin Altmann and Sue Sherban. We created this online forum to let raise important issues and engage in discussions. Once you have done that you will also be able to vote on the topics that interest you, so that the top issues will rise to the top of the discussion. To avoid spam, you need to register and be logged in to post a comment. |
Stouffville Connects would like to apologize to Wayne Emmerson.In setting up logins for each candidate there was a glitch with Wayne's login that prevented him from logging onto our forums. That has been corrected now, so hopefully you will be getting answers from him soon!
The debt that this town has accrued has been largely under your leadership. How do you feel you can lead this town out of debt? Also, you stated during the all candidates debate that the decision to purchase the Cook Canada building was a "business decision", what about a building located in an industrial area, tucked back out of main street say "good business" to you?
Our town is growing and this building has the space to meet our expanding needs for many years to come. With plans in the near future to extend Saniford Drive from Main Street to Hoover Park, it will allow easy access to this building for all residents. We are also hopeful that our seniors will consider using a portion of this building for a newly relocated Seniors' Centre.
Many other municipalities across York Region have town offices that reside in similar locations that are not on the main street.
If you have any questions about my response or would like to discuss this issue in more detail, please call me at 905 640-2987.
Please remember to exercise your right on Monday, October 25th. Re-elect Mayor Wayne Emmerson. -
As the government draws its income from much of the population, government debt is an indirect debt of the taxpayers. When will we be out of debt? In which year exactly? That is when we should book the party at the legion, not now!
Elizabeth Tracey
To answer your question, residential taxes in Whitchurch-Stouffville have and will remain stable. In fact, Whitchurch-Stouffville has one of the lowest tax rates in York Region.
Currently, 78% of the town’s debt (including interest) is paid for through development charges. (Development charges are the fees that developers are responsible for paying to the town, when they build any residential or commercial property in our municipality)
An additional $2,500 for each new house that is built will be charged back to the developers to help with Town’s remaining portion.
In 2010, current council was able to add $4 million into reserves. This can be applied to future day-to-day operating expenses.
Also, because of solid and respected relationships the current council has established with other level of governments, we were able to secure financial funding from the provincial and federal governments to help fund some of last term’s major initiatives. Approximately 66% of the costs for the enhancements to the Stouffville Arena, soccer fields, Memorial Park and the museum and community/visitor centre in Vandorf were financially supported by the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Stimulus Fund. Response continued in next post …
We have accomplished a lot in the past four years but still have more to do. We must stay to the course of reducing our debt and investing back into the community through smart controlled spending and accountability.
I maintain an open door policy and have no hidden agendas. If you have any questions about my response or would like to discuss this issue in more detail, please call me at 905 640-2987.
Please remember to exercise your right on Monday, October 25th. Re-elect Mayor Wayne Emmerson.
Similar to what I just asked Mr. Altmann what involvement in Whitchurch Stouffville Politics have you had in the past? Attended Council (# of mtgs)? Sat on any town Committees? Council presentations? I am unaware of your involvement other then putting your hat in for mayor.
If you base your decision on meeting attendance then you will not vote for me, or if you are searching for my non existent signs. I have no gimicks. I have not had a regular 9 to 5 kind of life. I have worked 3 to 5 jobs at a time; was forced into an 11 year custody court case which I was self represented and the sucessor; and I spent the rest of my time being a mom. When I was a kid I knew one day I would have to get involved in politics, this is my path. I am naturally talented and highly trained to deal with high stress situations, budgtes, laws, processes, interaction with people, researching, analysing etc. My life and work experiences have prepared and mastered my ability to confidently champion each responsibity of the Mayor role. I Hope you are open-minded. -
Thank you for the question ... development will happen and that is not a bad thing... but it needs to be controlled. We need to get back to our historic norms of 200-300 homes a year not 600-1000 as has been happening for the last 4 years. Growth is good but as long as we are in the drivers seat. There is many missing links to the recent growth but the most outstanding is jobs/business/corporate taxes that will help with our residential issues of a bedroom community/no work/heavy residential tax increases due to over spending. I will work on attracting new business in the eco-tourism and the ego-industry that will help to work with the vast rural community we have and love. Sincerely Sue Sherban Candidate for Mayor -
Areas for growth identified in the Town’s plan include south to the Markham-Stouffville boundary line, east to the York-Durham Townline, north to Bethesda Road and west to Hwy. 48. All other area’s within Whitchurch-Stouffville are protected by the Oak Ridges Moraine.
Growth in a community depends on a number of factors including economic stability. 600 is the maximum number of permits that will be allocated for the next three years.
What initiatives and opportunities should local businesses look forward to under your leadership?
I would like to meet with each local business and get their direct input of what they feel would best encourage business their direction. I am willing to take part in a "Mayor Day" type of event like a meet and greet. I hope to encourage more exposure on the Town website with a direct link to your own website however I am not sure of all the rules and regulations and firewalls etc.
I sure will help get the word out any legal way possible, within budget. -
Can you tell me what involvement in Whitchurch Stouffville politics you have had in the past? Attended Council (# of mtgs attended)? Sat on any town committes? Council Presentations etc.?
I don't know you that well and would like to get a feel for your political involvement other then running for Ward 2 Councillor and now for Mayor?
I have heard around town that you are do not support low income housing? I would like to know you position on this matter as I feel it is important for a community to welcome and support all income levels.
Also I noticed in the paper an article was written about election signs being destroyed, this article did not comment on your signs, why have none of yours been destroyed?
Yes I have had signs missing, broken, put on other peoples lawns...but I was not called or asked for any input on this article from the local paper. -
I am very proud of my 19 years of political experience in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and the Regional Municipality of York including:
•Six years service as Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville ward councillor (1991-1997)
•13 years as Mayor and CEO of Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
•Chair of all Whitchurch-Stouffville Council, Committees and public planning meetings
•13 years as member of York Regional Council including Chair of the Region’s Transportation Committee and member of the Finance and Administration Committee
Response continued in next post …
• New fire station 51 with 24/7 firefighters and ambulance service
• New and upgraded sports and recreational facilities including Clippers Sports Complex, Bethesda Park, Rupert Park, Memorial Park, new tennis courts in Ballantrae and 130+ acre park at Mussleman's Lake
• Support of local arts and culture including the new arts and entertainment centre (Nineteen on the Park), additional funding for enhancing Latcham Art Gallery and a new museum and visitor/community centre in Vandorf
• Annual Mayors community events including the local Food Drive, New Year's Family Celebrations and Golf Tournament. To date, the Annual Golf Tournament has raised more than $250,000 for local youth and community projects
•Downtown revitalization and expansion projects including a weekly farmers market
•Leash-free dog park
•New comprehensive zoning by-law
•New Public Works Operations Centre
•Implementation of a municipal-wide green bin program to reduce amount of garbage in the land fills
Response continued in next post …
This selected list of accomplishments demonstrates my proven track record for strong leadership and ability to effectively run a municipality.
I maintain an open door policy and have no hidden agendas. If you have any questions about my response or would like to discuss this issue in more detail, please call me at 905 640-2987.
Please remember to exercise your right on Monday, October 25th. Re-elect Mayor Wayne Emmerson.
In response to your question, Council has recently asked staff to bring back a report in the New Year identifying recommendations for an appropriate crosswalk location near the Stouffville GO Station. Once the recommendations have been received, they will be presented to the Downtown working group for further action.
If you have any questions about my response or would like to discuss this issue in more detail, please call me at 905 640-2987.
Please remember to exercise your right on Monday, October 25th. Re-elect Mayor Wayne Emmerson.
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Currently, 78% of the town's debt is paid for through development charges (fees developers pay to the town when they build any residential or commercial property in our municipality).
Also, because of solid and respected relationships the current council has established with other level of governments, we were able to secure financial funding from the provincial and federal governments to help fund some of last term's major initiatives. Approximately 66% of the costs for the enhancements to the Stouffville Arena, soccer fields, Memorial Park and the museum and community/visitor centre in Vandorf were financially supported by the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Stimulus Fund.
Due to length restrictions I will respond to the second part of your question regarding the purchase of the Cook Canada building in a second comment.
I maintain an open door policy and have no hidden agendas. If you have any questions about my response or would like to discuss this issue in more detail, please call me at 905 640-2987.
Please remember to exercise your right on Monday, October 25th. Re-elect Mayor Wayne Emmerson. - Wayne Emmerson : Oct 20th, 2010 @ 12:05